EAP ‘Wellness At Work’

An average of 18 million working days are lost to mental health problems in the UK. And mental health conditions account for 8% of sickness absence.  In addition, 1 in 7 people experience mental health problems in the workplace and mental health presenteeism, where employees show up but do not work effectively, is also on the rise.  As well as having a significant financial impact, there can also be an impact on company culture and resilience across the organisation.

However, there is some good news – research by Deloitte shows that measures by employers to improve the mental health of their employees will yield a return on average of £5 for every £1 spent, with early intervention providing the best rate of return.

Our wellbeing at work services are designed to help improve wellbeing, prevent stress and burnout and provide support to your employees experiencing mental health difficulties. Whether your aim is to provide help to those in difficulty, develop a supportive working environment, protect against stress or change the narrative around mental health, we can guide and support you.

Our Wellbeing at Work team consists of qualified mental health professionals who also have experience across a broad range of sectors including retail, communications, hospitality, construction and property, banking, manufacturing, local government and public services, education and charity.

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