Free Assessments

At BTG we believe in universal access for all. We pride ourselves on trying to offer anyone who approaches us the support they need, and if we can’t offer it will attempt to signpost you to a service that can. This is why assessment is so important.

When you first enter our service, you will be invited for a free 20 minute assessment. In this assessment session, we can meet you in person at the centre, online or over the phone and we will ask you a series of questions. You will always meet with a qualified counsellor who works with us. The counsellor will ask you a series of questions, and this is your time to voice how we can help you, what you need support with and what your needs are. Some of the questions may not feel relevant, but they are designed to give us as much information as we can so that we can refer you the counsellor we think will work with you best, or signpost you to the services that you need.

Appointment Booking